
My Fall Commandments 2024  ➡️  

Construct Internal Confidence States

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  1. Biological And Physiological – Biological and physiological needs for air, water, food, sleep, shelter, warmth, and sex.
  2. Safety – Safety needs for protection from the elements, security, law and order, stability, and freedom from fear.
  3. Love And Belongingness – Love and belongingness needs for friendship, intimacy, trust, acceptance, giving and receiving affection and love. Affiliating needs to belong to a group (family, friends, work).
  4. Esteem – Esteem needs: 1. esteem for oneself (dignity, pride in accomplishments & achievements, mastery, independence) and 2. the need to be accepted and valued by others (status, prestige).
  5. Cognitive – Cognitive needs for knowledge and understanding, curiosity, exploration, and the need for meaning and predictability.
  6. Aesthetic – Aesthetic needs for the appreciation of and search for beauty, balance, and form.
  7. Self-actualization – Self-Actualization needs for seeking personal growth, finding self-fulfillment, realizing personal potential, and having peak experiences.
  8. Transcendence – Transcendence needs to connect with a higher reality or purpose, to deeply experience things beyond one’s own personal concerns.

    from: various

Create Mnemonics

  1. Releventize - Releventize a memory aid to you, to your senses, and to your situation. Add outlandish, yet relevant senses, emotions, colors, actions, and imagery.
  2. Humorize - Humorize with exaggeration, nonsense, ridiculousness, inappropriateness, puns, and faux pas [[foe paz]].
  3. Visualize - Visualize a single image or a sequence of images linked image to image by a memorable sequence of actions.
  4. Customize - Customize by using memory aids that work best for you: chunking, rhymes, acronyms, jingles and songs, visuals, matrices, peg-word systems, etc.
  5. Habitualize - Habitualize by creating and practicing mnemonics daily. Like playing piano pieces it takes new daily learning and practicing. Make each mnemonic a permanent part of your life’s repertoire.

Use Mnemonics

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