My Fall Commandments 2024 ➡️
Construct Internal Confidence States
- Maintain Mental Control - Maintain mental control with an overarching narrative of your own adequacy and maintain confidence even when things are going wrong.
- Use Memories - Use memories of your quality efforts, success, and progress to energize and encourage current and future self-confidence in your abilities to control yourself and produce outstandingly unshakable performances.
- Manage Your Thoughts - Manage your thoughts to pass through memories that create energy, optimism, and enthusiasm while blocking memories that create fear, doubt, and worry.
- Focus On Constructive Thinking - Focus on constructive thinking habits to retain and benefit from success experiences no matter how small while releasing or restructuring less successful experiences. Feel energized with open possibilities and excitement about future visions and success opportunities.
- Perceive Successes - Perceive successes as permanent and universal while viewing mistakes and less successful experiences as temporary, limited, external, and non-representative. Also, use mistakes and setbacks to learn and actually advance you towards your successes rather than hinder your successes.
- See Virtuous Cycles - See virtuous cycles with any success you achieve as it makes new ways for additional successes.
- Perform Well - Perform well in three steps: First cue up positive thoughts to clear away any negative chatter. Second breath deeply to focus and concentrate on the present moment. Third, focus on what matters most to your outstandingly unshakable performance right now.
- Use Success Imagery - Use success imagery that effectively prepares every system, organ, tissue, and cell in your body to perform exceptionally well.
from: the book “The Confident Mind: A Battle-Tested Guide to Unshakable Performance” c2022 by Dr. Nate Zinsser
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Biological And Physiological – Biological and physiological needs for air, water, food, sleep, shelter, warmth, and sex.
- Safety – Safety needs for protection from the elements, security, law and order, stability, and freedom from fear.
- Love And Belongingness – Love and belongingness needs for friendship, intimacy, trust, acceptance, giving and receiving affection and love. Affiliating needs to belong to a group (family, friends, work).
- Esteem – Esteem needs: 1. esteem for oneself (dignity, pride in accomplishments & achievements, mastery, independence) and 2. the need to be accepted and valued by others (status, prestige).
- Cognitive – Cognitive needs for knowledge and understanding, curiosity, exploration, and the need for meaning and predictability.
- Aesthetic – Aesthetic needs for the appreciation of and search for beauty, balance, and form.
- Self-actualization – Self-Actualization needs for seeking personal growth, finding self-fulfillment, realizing personal potential, and having peak experiences.
- Transcendence – Transcendence needs to connect with a higher reality or purpose, to deeply experience things beyond one’s own personal concerns.
from: various
Create Mnemonics
- Releventize - Releventize a memory aid to you, to your senses, and to your situation. Add outlandish, yet relevant senses, emotions, colors, actions, and imagery.
- Humorize - Humorize with exaggeration, nonsense, ridiculousness, inappropriateness, puns, and faux pas [[foe paz]].
- Visualize - Visualize a single image or a sequence of images linked image to image by a memorable sequence of actions.
- Customize - Customize by using memory aids that work best for you: chunking, rhymes, acronyms, jingles and songs, visuals, matrices, peg-word systems, etc.
- Habitualize - Habitualize by creating and practicing mnemonics daily. Like playing piano pieces it takes new daily learning and practicing. Make each mnemonic a permanent part of your life’s repertoire.
- Make Rhymes - Make rhymes that naturally associate similar sounding words. Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November…
- Create Acronyms - Create acronyms and initialisms by taking the first letter of each item in a list to make a word or initials. Fear of missing out > FOMO.
- Create Acrostics - Create acrostics by taking the first letter of each item in a list to make a memorable sentence. [ a piece of writing where the first letter of each line, word, or paragraph spells out a word or phrase.]. “Every Good Boy Does Fine” represents the treble clef lines in music (E, G, B, D, F).
- Create Jingles - Create jingles that have a rhythm or beat with lyrics you want to memorize.
- Break It Up - Break it up into more digestible pieces and then chunk the pieces together.
- Make It Up - Make it up with new “creative words” that are more relatable and memorable than the actual words.
from: the book “Memory Improvement Book - The Mnemonics: Mind and Memory Improvements for Adults (The Active and Effective Leaders 2) c2020 by Andrew Kite
Use Mnemonics
- Anatomy - MURDER I LINC - The 11 organ systems of the human body are:
Muscular (musculoskeletal), Urinary (excretory), Reproductive, Digestive (gastrointestinal), Endocrine, Respiratory, Immune, Lymphatic, Integumentary, Nervous, and Cardiovascular (circulatory).
- Astronomy - “My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles” - The order of the 8 planets in our solar system: Mercury .4, Venus .7, Earth 1, Mars 1.5, Jupiter 5.2, Saturn 9.6, Uranus 19.2, Neptune 30.0, (Pluto)
- Aviation - Port and Left have the same number of letters and port wine is red. That leaves starboard right with a green light and white light aft. The running (towards or away from you) lights for planes and ships.
- Biology - “Dear King Philip (or David) Came Over For Good Soup” - The ordered taxonomic classification system of organisms: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum (plural is phyla; or Division), Class, Order, Family, Genus (plural is genera), Species, [Variety]
- Chemistry - “Hear! Hark! Listen BBC News On Friday Night. News Maybe About Silly Pupils Smashing Chemical Apparatus.” The first 18 elements in the periodic table, which translates as: 1 H Hydrogen, 2 He Helium, 3 Li Lithium, 4 Be Beryllium, 5 B Boron, 6 C Carbon, 7 N Nitrogen, 8 O Oxygen, 9 F Fluorine, 10 Ne Neon, 11 Na Sodium, 12 Mg Magnesium, 13 Al Aluminum, 14 Si Silicon, 15 P Phosphorus, 16 S Sulfur, 17 Cl Chlorine, 18 Ar Argon.
- Geography - “Boring, Average Politics Can Become Very Corrupt. People Everywhere Get Used Sometimes” - The 12 countries of South America by size: Brazil 48%, Argentina 16%, Peru 7%, Colombia 6%, Bolivia 6%, Venezuela 5%, Chile 4%, Paraguay 2%, Ecuador 1%, Guyana 1%, Uruguay 1%, Suriname 1%.
- Geology - “TAll GYroscopes CAn FLy APart ORbiting QUickly TO COmplete DIsintegration” - Mohs Scale of Hardness: TAlc(=1), GYpsum(=2), CAlcite(=3), FLuorite(=4), APatite(=5), ORthoclase(=6), QUartz(=7), TOpaz(=8), COrundum(=9), DIamond(=10)
- Math - PEMDAS or “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” - The standard order of math operations telling you which calculations to make first in an expression with more than one operation. The order is: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).
- Medicine - D.R.S. A.B.C.D. - Steps for Resuscitation: Danger (Check for danger to yourself or others before starting), Response (Check for signs of life or response), Send for help (Call for backup, or Emergency services), Airway (Check for obstruction in the throat), Breaths (Check for breaths), CPR (Commence CPR), Defib (Apply Defibrillator)
- Medicine - BE FAST To recognize stroke symptoms:
B – balance is it off with staggering or having leg weakness?
E – eye vision is it blurred or lost in one or both eyes?
F – face is it drooping (ask the person to smile to check)?
A – arms are they weak (to test, have them raise both arms)?
S – speech is it difficult (test by having them repeat a simple sentence)?
T – time to call 911 due: trouble walking, trouble seeing, numbness, confusion, or a very bad headache
- Nutrition - C. HOPKN’S CaFe MgB Mn(emon) Ni(ce) Cl(ean) CuCoZn Mo. The 18 essential macro & micro nutrients that plants require to survive and grow: Macronutrients: Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Nitrogen (N), Sulfur (S), Calcium (Ca), Micronutrient - Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg). Micronutrients: Boron (B), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Chlorine (Cl), Copper (Cu), Cobalt (Co), Zinc (Zn), and Molybdenum (Mo).
- Physics - Roy G. Biv - Sequence (outside to inside of circle) of colors in a rainbow or the visible spectrum: Red: 665 nanometers (nm), Orange: 630 nm, Yellow: 600 nm, Green: 550 nm, Blue: 470 nm, Indigo: 425 nm, Violet: 400 nm.
- Physics - RGB additive color model. CMYK subtractive color model. RYB G(b+y)O(y+r)P(r+b) y-o r-o r-p b-p b-g y-g The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colors are green (blue+yellow), orange (yellow+red), and purple (red+blue). And the tertiary colors are yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, and yellow-green. These are the 12 colors that typically appear on a color wheel.
- Real Estate - 4 old ladies going 35 in a 60 mph zone - 43,560 square feet in one acre of land.
- Real Estate - I.D.E.A.L. Potential money benefits of property ownership: Income, Depreciation, Equity growth, Appreciation, and Leverage.
- Relations - HALTS - Stressors or States of human discomfort and distress that need monitoring for self and others: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Scared/Stressed/Sad.
from: various
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