
My Summer Commandments 2024  ➡️  

Practice Stoicism

Ask Journalistic Questions

Master Your Ikigai

Use PERRIO Learning System Processes

  1. Prime - Prime to prepare yourself to learn effectively. See, feel, and understand the new learning’s benefits and relevance. Understand how it fits in and activates prior knowledge.
  2. Encode - Encode the new material actively by making sense of it and memorizing it. Group things together, simplify the information, look for analogies, make connections, and find relationships to better consume, digest, and store the information.
  3. Refer - Refer to notes you’ve taken. Don’t try to consume and process all the information at once, because this will overload your brain. Rather, work on understanding the main ideas and taking notes on the specifics that you can refer back to later.
  4. Retrieve - Retrieve the new material by repeatedly testing yourself to embed the information in your memory and to make recalling it easier.
  5. Interleave - Interleave learning in multiple ways to strengthen your memory and deepen your understanding. Repeatedly test yourself from multiple perspectives and different angles.
  6. Overlearn - Overlearn by learning more than you need to. Do practice problems and make flashcards. Overlearn to be able to recall information quickly and fluently.

    from: How I Built an Evidence-Based Learning System in 312 weeks by Justin Sung

Build And Show Confidence

  1. Be Tall And Big - Be tall and big with shoulders back, chest out, stomach in, standing tall and straight. Keep your chin up and look straight ahead to have self-assurance.
  2. Smile - Smile more to feel better, have a pleasant voice, and be seen as friendly, approachable, and composed.
  3. Speak Slowly And Clearly - Speak slowly and clearly in a controlled, relaxed, composed voice. Use silent pauses and be confident.
  4. Walk Briskly - Walk briskly with slightly longer and quicker strides to show you know where you are going and be seen as predominant.
  5. Make Strong Eye Contact - Make strong eye contact to establish a connection that shows sincerity, self-esteem, assertiveness, and confidence. Strong eye contact is part of being more likable, attractive, attentive, trustworthy, and memorable. Eye contact and touch generate the brain’s oxytocin.

    from: 3 habits that kill your confidence by Shadé Zahrai
    5 Ways to Look More Confident – When You’re Struggling To by Shadé Zahrai

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