
My Winter Commandments 2024  ➡️  

Productivity Imperatives

Causes Of Death & crude rate per 1000 USA 2023 (provisional) Population 333,287,557

1 Diseases of the heart 2.0 (Heart attacks, Congenital heart disease, …) 2 Malignant neoplasms or tumors 1.8 (lung/breast, prostate, colorectal, pancreas, liver, stomach, …) 3 Accidents (unintentional injuries) .67 (motor vehicle accidents, poisoning, falls, …) 4 Cerebrovascular diseases .49 (Strokes (TIA), Brain aneurysms, …) 5 Chronic lower respiratory diseases .44 (COPD: chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, …) 6 Alzheimer disease .34 7 Diabetes mellitus .29 8 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis .17 (the kidneys become inflamed) 9 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis .16 10 COVID-19 .15 11 Intentional self-harm (suicide) .15 (firearms >50%, suffocation 26%, poisoning 12%) 12 Influenza and pneumonia .14 13 Essential hypertension and hypertensive renal (kidney) disease .13 14 Septicemia .12 (an infection that occurs when bacteria, viruses, or fungi enter the bloodstream) 15 Parkinson disease .12
prostate pancreas liver stomach kidney from: the CDC https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D176;jsessionid=707C92B4C8121D6F818C45682212

NATO phonetic alphabet

CHARACTER MORSE CODE TELEPHONY PHONIC(PRONUNCIATION) A - Alfa (AL-fah) B -** Bravo (BRAH-voh) C -- Charlie (CHAR-lee) or (SHAR-lee) D -** Delta (DELL-tah) or (DEL-tah) E * Echo (ECK-oh) or (EKK-oh) F - Foxtrot (FOKS-trot) G – Golf (Golf) H **** Hotel (HOH-tel) or (HO-tel) I ** India (IN-dee-ah) J — Juliett or Juliet (JEW-lee-ett) K -- Kilo (KEY-loh) L -* Lima (LEE-mah) M – Mike (Mike) N -* November (NO-vem-ber) or (NOH-vem-ber) O — Oscar (OSS-cah) or (OSS-car) P Papa (PAH-pah) Q –*- Quebec (keh-BECK) R - Romeo (ROW-me-oh) S *** Sierra (see-AIR-rah) or (see-AIR-ah) T - Tango (TANG-go) U - Uniform (YOU-nee-form)or(OO-nee-form) V - Victor (VIK-tah) or (VIK-ter) W *– Whiskey (WISS-key) X -- Xray (ECKS-ray) or (EKS-ray) Y -– Yankee (YANG-key) Z – Zulu (ZOO-loo) or (ZOO-luu) 1 —- One (WUN) 2 — Two (TOO) 3 – Three (TREE) 4 - Four (FOW-ER) 5 ***** Five (FIFE) 6 - Six (SIX) 7 – Seven (SEV-EN) 8 — Eight (AIT) 9 —- Nine (NIN-ER) 0 —– Zero (ZEE-RO)
from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_phonetic_alphabet

Useful Mnemonics

The Seven SI Base Units

24 Metric SI Prefixes

List of common words starting with the SI prefixes in pairs starting deka- and deci- then hecto- and centi- etc. through to quetta- and quecto- along with each of their abbreviations and organized by frequency of usage for each prefix. Also give at least two common measurements at that scale - for examples . Please also give at least two examples such as one light year is 9.461 Pm and one angstrom is 3.93701 nm each one of the 24 standard SI prefixes. SI base units 0, meter, liter, gram, Give at least four common measurements at the SI prefix scale of deka da and deci d for megagrams Mg and micrograms ug, megameters Mm and micrometers um, etc. deka da+1 Dekameter dam is used in surveying and land measurement. Dekaliter (dal) is occasionally used in agriculture and chemistry. deci d-1 deciliter (dl) is commonly used in European food recipes and in medicine. Decibel for measuring ratios of powers. hecto h+2 hectometer (hm) Hectogram (hg) is sometimes used in scientific and technical fields. Hectoliter (hl) is occasionally used in agriculture and brewing. centi c-2 centimeter (cm) widely used in everyday measurements and scientific contexts. Centigram (cg) is sometimes used in precise measurements in chemistry and physics. kilo k+3 kilogram (kg) 70-80 kg avg. adult male, 2,700-6,000 kg elephant weight, 15 kilotons of TNT yield “Little Boy” (Hiroshima, August 6, 1945), 21 kilotons “Fat Man” (Nagasaki, August 9, 1945) milli m-3 millimeter (mm) 95 mg caffeine in coffee cup, 0.5-1 mm thick fingernail mega M+6 megabyte (MB) 50 megatons Soviet Tsar Bomba the largest nuclear weapon ever tested (1961); micro u-6 micrometer (um) 10 μm size of a fog, mist, or cloud water droplet, 50-120 μm human hair, 3–8 μm width of strand of spider web silk, 50 μg a single grain of sand, 10-100 μg a single grain of pollen, .01-1 μg a dust particle giga G+9 gigabyte (GB), 150 Gm is one Astronomical Unit AI, 32 GB RAM memory for gaming computer, nano n-9 nanometer (nm), 5 nm for M1 (3.2 GHz) M2 (3.5 GHz), 3 nm & 18 TOPS for M3 (4.05 GHz), 38 TOPS for M4 (2.89-4.464 GHz), tera T+12 terabyte (TB), 4.184 terajoules = 1,162,222 kWh = 1 kiloton TNT; ~28 Tw terawatts of power are consumed globally per year; pico p-12 picometer (pm), ~154 pm micometers for Carbon-carbon single bonds peta P+15 petameter (Pm) 9.461 Pm is one light year and 30.857 Pm is one Parsec (this is the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one arcsecond). femto f-15 femtometer (fm) exa E+18 exameter(Em) ~5.1 Eg Exagrams the total mass of Earth’s atmosphere atto a-18 attometer (am) size of fundamental particles like electrons, quarks (up and down), and the nucleus zetta Z+21 zettameter (Zm) zepto z-21 zeptometer (zm) yotta Y+24 yottameter (Ym) yocto y-24 yoctometer (ym) ronna R+27 ronnameter (Rm) ronto r-27 rontometer (rm) quetta Q+30 quettameter (Qm) quecto q-30 quectometer (qm)
from: various

I Keep Six Honest Serving Men

(The Elephant’s Child)

I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. I send them over land and sea, I send them east and west; But after they have worked for me, I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from nine till five, For I am busy then, As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea, For they are hungry men. But different folk have different views; I know a person small— She keeps ten million serving-men, Who get no rest at all!

She sends ’em abroad on her own affairs, From the second she opens her eyes— One million Hows, two million Wheres, And seven million Whys!
from: Rudyard Kipling

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