
 ⬅️  My Summer Commandments 2023 ➡️  

Both/And Conversation Skills

  1. Breathe Deeply To Move Away From Hyperemotional - under stress, anxiety, and fear your brain needs oxygen for cognition
  2. Create Common Ground - focus beyond polarized issues
  3. Ask A Sincere Questions - use inquiry (NOT inquisition)
  4. Listen To Learn (NOT To Win) - listen closely to improve your mind by learning from someone else
  5. Say “Tell Me More!” - to facilitate healthier outcomes

from: 5 Conversation Skills That Enhance Your Rational Brain By Irshad Manji https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyKbSXkdmP4

On Writing Well (non-fiction)

from: ON WRITING WELL by William Zinsser by Core Message https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgI_Nt-82Hk

Be A Better Presenter

  1. Passion - Want to be great! Want your audience to greatly benefit. Find the passion that drives you to do the presentation.
  2. Personalities and Generations - Plan for how different groups learn and how everyone can participate equally.
  3. Feelings - Plan for how you want the audience to feel and make it happen using room set up, music, ice-breakers, activities, your words and actions.
  4. Audience Mingle - Instill energy and interest in others before the talk by greeting them: shake hands, high fives, side hugs…
  5. Ice-Breakers - Do an activity that sets the starting mood to engage “see-er’s”, “think-er’s”, and “do-er’s” for Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic learners.
  6. Opening - Transfer your authentic passion and energy for the topic to your audience
  7. Takeaways - Vividly present your three takeaway points so the audience easily encodes and remembers them.
  8. Closing - Make it memorable with desired feelings while showing how much you care about the audience and how passionate you are about the topic.
  9. Mirror Recording - Practice, in presentation attire, by video recording your 3 min. Opening and your 2 1/2 min. Closing. Analyze the video for tone, volume, passion, movement. Re-record the video with improvements. Repeat until satisfied.

from: book - Be A Better Presenter in One Hour (Be Better Book Series 1) by Brett Thornton

Self Regulated Learning

  1. Know What To Learn - Determine what and what-all you need or want to learn for strategic time and energy conservation.
  2. Get The Best Knowledge - Find the most appropriate knowledge materials to consume.
  3. Build Your Knowledge Structures - Elaboratively process and encode the new knowledge material mentally and physically so it fits in with your prior knowledge.
  4. Rehearse Retrievals - Practice retrieving the material from your newly forming knowledge structures.
  5. Real World Usage - Continually improve and refine your ability to quickly recall and effectively use your new knowledge in reality: own it and use it to make an improvement.

from: The 4 Key Processes of Self Regulated Learning by Justin Sung https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7iIAWy4qteY

Relationship Competence

Build skills to Function Adaptively - to figure out what you need/want, to find the right people, to build the right relationships, and to end unhealthy relationships

  1. Insight - gain insights into self and others: who you (they) are, what you (they) need and want, why you (they) do stuff. Anticipate good and bad consequences of your (others) behaviors.
  2. Mutuality - your needs and other’s needs both matter, a lot! Both needs need to be recognized and met.
  3. Emotional Regulation - regulate your feelings, keep things in perspective, think through your decisions

from: Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships by Joanne Davila https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh5VhaicC6g&t=2s

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