⬅️ My Spring Commandments 2023 ➡️
Strategic Communication Essentials
- Focus on Your Audience’s Needs - what they need to hear, making it resonate with them
- Have Communication Goals? - what you want the audience: to know (information), to feel (emotion), and to do (action)
- Use Simple Logically Structured Communications - to make it easier to follow, understand, and remember: What (info), So What (its relevance, importance and value to them), Now What (the next action)
- Engage Your Audience - to grab and sustain their attention: physically (do stuff), cognitive (answer questions, use analogies), linguistic (names, imagine, think back to when and how)
- Practice Your Confident Delivery - be warm, authentic, relatable, confident, with a compelling presence
from: Stanford Video: Class Takeaways — Essentials of Strategic Communication
Nonviolent Communication
- Observations - What happened? What did someone specifically do or say?
- Feelings - Name the feelings that appear in us, our mind, our body. Let the feelings sink in.
- Needs - Those feelings represent which needs were met or not met? Why is it important to you? What’s the meaning and value of those needs to you?
- Requests - clearly communicate in which ways you’d like your needs to be met
from: The Non-Violent Communication Model - Marshall Rosenberg
Communication Truths
- You CANNOT NOT COMMUNICATE - People notice, assess and judge! Your appearances, actions, and attitudes will be noted! If You Look At Phone And Not At Person – It Communicates Disrespect!
- You CANNOT SAY WHAT YOU MEAN - Everyone filters so work for clarity and confirmation.
- You Can Make People Feel The Way You Want Them To Feel - your changed, different words and actions will create changed different feelings in others. Change your words and actions to get the feelings you want in others.
- First Impressions Last - Have good grooming, hygiene, posture and a confident presence
- Be Interested, NOT Interesting - keep the communications focus on them to learn about and understand them
- Your Demeanor and Voice Characteristics Speak Much Louder Than Words - have a friendly relatable demeanor with a warm caring voice
from: 6 Communication Truths That Everyone Should Know - Antoni Lacinai
Relationship Building/Destroying
- Be Curious Not Critical - play to each others’ strengths in how we are all wired differently and have different expectations
- Be Careful, Not Crushing - take care of each other during stressful conflict situations by always being warm and caring while maintaining protective boundaries
- Ask, Don’t Assume - have the wisdom, courage, and strength to ask and discuss rather than assume and stereotype
- Connect, Before You Correct - clearly communicate acceptance, appreciation, and real value while holding back on our insatiable need to give constructive and instructive feedback
from: The 4 Habits of all Successful Relationships by Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings
Rapport Building
- Use Limited Time - make others feel more comfortable as they know you (an unknown stranger) will be gone soon.
- Use Accommodating Nonverbals - have open, non-threating body language
- Slow Your Speech - avoid talking fast and overselling
- Ask For Assistance or Help - ask for help using the word because… People are wired to give help and the word because gets better results
- Suspend Your Ego - build them up (not yourself)
- Validate Them - give them your full attention and show that you heard them, mirror their actions
- Ask… FollowUp? How? Why? - to favorably engage them and learn about them
- Use Quid Pro Quo: Some people get uncomfortable if they realize they are doing all the talking. Speak up a little so they feel comfortable then get the conversation right back on them
- Give Gifts (reciprocal altruism) - people try to reciprocate gifts. Give an intangible or material gift and seek their conversation and rapport in return
- Manage Expectations - keep clear intentions of win/win and benefiting them
from book: It’s Not All About “Me”: The Top Ten Techniques for Building Quick Rapport with Anyone by Robin K. Deeke
Know Their FORD
- F - family and friends names, childrens’ ages, some family history
- O - occupation, job and job details, past work history, focus on sources and methods of income and how they handle their money
- R - recreations, hobbies and interests, fun activities, what they do with their downtime,
- D - dreams and their long term goals, items on their bucket list
from: Meet as Strangers Leave as Friends | John DiJulius | TEDxAkron 52,068 views May 29, 2018
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