see also→One Line Summaries
⬅️ My Fall Commandments 2022 ➡️
Cut Cut Cut Retake
Whenever you realize that you could do better in a situation say “Cut cut cut retake!” Now redo mentally (and with any useful physical voice and/or movement) by doing a retake of the situation where you now take or do the better response or action! Rehearse this better response a few times until you get what you want and then say “That’s a Take!” Now, next time use the better response.
Eliminate Waste
Substitute the more meaningful, the more purposeful, the more beneficial for the lesser meaningful, the lesser purposeful, and the lesser beneficial. Donate or pitch out excess unmeaningful unused stuff. Especially eliminate the lesser purposeful time consuming habits. Substitute the more meaningful for excess unhelpful novel reading, for “learning” useless facts, for excess finance reading, for excess feel-good shopping, for fluff and easy distractions. Strive for the discipline to consistently change the use of time to do more meaningful and purposeful repetitions and rhythms that help you reach goals to create desirable outcomes.
Positive Suggestions
Flood your mind with powerful positive suggestions and cheerleading. What we come to believe is often accepted from a suggestion (Yes! You can do this!). Best time for suggestions is shortly before bedtime or after waking up or similarly with a daytime nap or daydream. SUGGESTIONS:
- Eat more raw cabbage especially red cabbage!,
- Put yourself out there!,
- Get high off of life!,
- Live WOOP - Wish Outcome Obstacle Plan (by Gabriele Oettingen),
- Use Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions MCII to overcoming obstacles
Repeat to Master
Rhythmically, repeatedly re-read, re-look and re-listen to the most beneficial media and materials. Repetition will aid your learning, unlearning and relearning so you can have better mastery. New lessons are absorbed through repetition!
Stand Move
Monkey see monkey do hanging, squatting, and jumping throughout the day. Whenever I get up out of my den chair do a single one legged “jump” on my stability balance disc. This jumping helps the lymphatic system physiology move and clear fluids which gives the body better energy. Do as long as you can dead hanging on the chin up bar starting with one high chin up that gradually extends to full arm length hanging. I have come to believe that body moving and strengthening are extremely beneficial to living a healthful and engaged life. From here on out do these low impact exercises daily. Add going to the Medicare Silver Sneakers group exercise program twice a week at the local Fitness Connection gym which gets additional social synchronization and friendship benefits.
Get Outside
Start with viewing nature through the den window. Daily spend more time outside perhaps a sit spot to practice conscious nature observation & sensory mindfulness. Start doing outdoor container gardening. Develop habitual reminders to engage a deeper state of awareness & attention with your surroundings. Include interoception or listening to your internal body communications (heart beat, gut, sensory, …).
Observe and Assess
Look at and closely observe to assess and respond so you can guide for accepting, caring, welcoming, and love. Assess behaviors, especially body language and spoken tones along with word choices. When encountering others look closely at them and notice their face and body to make observations and assessments of their WHYs so you can respond with guidance and love (see guide love). Ask about and find the beliefs behind their behaviors - learn from people who have better, more effective ways of being in this world.