"Put it back where you found it."
— Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.
"How we spend our days is how we spend our life."
— It's a beautiful thing to realize what you don't need.
"Get organized."
— Procrastination hates an organized mind."
"Starve your distractions. Feed your focus."
— One thing at a time. Use the pomodoro technique."
"Do not neglect keeping organized and being prepared."
— Else you end up spending unnecessary time, energy, & money for lack thereof.
"All present and accounted for with a place for everything and everything in its 'right'
— An accurate inventory with organization brings empowerment."
"Organize an optimally regulated, minimal, productive space and habit for mental
— Eliminating disorganization, distractions, & discomforts makes mental concentration
deeper and more effective.
"Clear, clean, sort and finally organize as you go."
— Get the benefits now by sorting it out now (as you go).
"Make daily time for calendaring, reminding, planning, scheduling & reviewing."
— Everyone has 24 hours per day. Those who plan & monitor will quickly change to become
"Important matters and tasks need consistent, repeated doing."
— Long term goals and their success require routine doing.
"Have an excellent memory, but always back it up ASAP with detailed notes."
— The faintest pencil is better than the sharpest memory.
"Don't put it down, put it away."
— To stop clutter, find stuff, save time and space.